3 Workshop On Traffic Safety

To make students aware of the various traffic rules, a workshop was conducted on the theme “ safe drive, save life” at the school campus of Khalsa College International Public School, Ranjit Avenue, Amritsar for the students of 10,+1 and +2 on April 17, 2019 . Personnel from Amritsar Traffic Police were invited. S. Dilbag Singh ADCP Traffic and S. Paramjeet Singh Inspector Traffic Police have given valuable information and the students were briefed about various traffic rules that should be followed in order to maintain safety on roads. They were encouraged to follow the rules because even the small mistakes made on the road may lead to fatal accidents. The students were told how they can follow the rules while driving. Common mistakes made by people were also discussed among students.
They understood the consequences of over speeding, signal jumping, carelessness, not wearing seat belt or helmet, use of mobile phone and many other unlawful practices on the road.
It was an initiative made by Traffic Police, Amritsar to spread awareness regarding traffic rules and road safety among our students and instill a feeling ofresponsibility as a good citizen.


Principal S. Gurjit Singh Sethi appreciated the efforts of the Traffic Police and their valuable guidance to the students. He also encouraged the students on how they would help in future to ensure road safety for all.